
  • 60 minute individual therapy session $225

    Depending on the pace and rhythm that is best for you, 60 minute -90 minute sessions are available. A typical 60 minute session involves 10- 15 minutes of narrowing in on what the focus will be, 30-40 minutes of processing (verbal, creative, somatic), and 10-15 minutes to stay with and integrate changes, new information, and experiences. This overarching structure is designed to support grounding and sustainable progress.

  • 90 minute individual therapy session $275

    90 minute sessions provide more time to work in different modalities and promote integration. Within our daily circadian rhythm of about 24hrs are shorter ultradian cycles. These are typically about 90 minutes and can provide an optimal window for growth and new learning.

  • Initial visit and consultation

    You are invited to visit, meet in person, ask questions, and discuss your goals to discern if Kensington Art Therapy’s services are right for you. Bridget is happy to provide this free of charge so you can make a real connection and feel confident about your decision. She can provide referrals and recommendations if Kensington Art Therapy’s offerings are not the right fit for your needs at this time.